Thursday, September 5, 2013

Who does the credit go to?

You have directed a video and have had your friends help with the production. The footage was uploaded to a public video domain. The video ended up winning an award for its excellent production. In essence, you created this video but involved additional people. Do you win the award, or does everon? How does this make you feel?


  1. I personally wouldn't care who got the credit i would feel satisfied with just the fact that i created a type of media that entertained the people... I would've also probably been in the video so they would know it was me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think everyone should have an equal share.

    1. i think there should be more effort put to this comment dawg

    2. I will have to agree with Joey.

    3. that is how i feel about the whole situation.

  4. i thyink that everyone won the awward. everybody helped and gave there ideas and contributed there help. everyone gave effort and dedication. and i dont think that just i should have the credit for it. so therefore everybody won the award.

  5. Everyone deserves the award for the video. Everyone worked just as hard as you did and if you didn't involve the other people maybe it would't of have came out as the award winning video you initially filmed. I personally, wouldn't care to share the award with my friends especially if they put as much time and effort as I did. In conclusion I wouldn't mind sharing the award with the people that helped.
    Ryan Saunders

    1. great job ryan. i think your comment was great. not as great as mine off course but still kinda sorta good. like yu know what i mean.

    2. i know what you mean like it was still kinda sorta good but not as still kinda sorta good as yours cause yours was still kinda sorta better

  6. i want everyone who made it get award

  7. I think that the award should go to the group as a whole. It would be unfair if only one person received credit. the group as a whole should be rewarded.

  8. I think that the everyone wins the award, because they were apart of the production also. They may not have thought about everything, but they were the ones being tapped. If I made a video and it became award winning I would want everyone to be recognized, not just me.

  9. I feel that everyone should get the award. The video wouldn't have been a award winning video if it wasn't for everyone's contribution so therefore the award should be to all the participants in the video.
    Brett Maser

  10. I think that everyone should get the award. Because most of the people that help make the movie did a big part of making the movie. I think that who ever help directed the movie should get some credit to just not one person. People that are even in the movie should get credit for how good of a job they did in the movie. That's how i feel about who should get the credit.

  11. If I made a movie the fact that I was even recognized is a big deal but I wouldn't want just the actors to get all the attention either like they often do. If I am the brain behind the idea I want people to know it as well as the actors who I casted to the roles. without me they might never be famous!
    -Rita kay

  12. i wouldn't care. without the director they wouldnt of had a job, so they should be thankful for that. If they want people to know about their production, make people watch it or something

  13. I would get the award and the credit my friends just helped. I mean do santas elves get any credit nope just santa

  14. I WIN THE FREAKIN AWARD!!! I win because I directed it. The director wins every time man. Thats whats up with that. I feel great about it. I've never felt better infact.

  15. Of course I'd like to win this award.Because I have my friends and we make the video for a long time .I don't wanna lose this opportunity .If we don't get it ,it will be a pity.If we win it that's my pleasure.
